A Feathered Nest is the brain child of Tanya Olver who is the face of the business. Breeding and hatching the birds is what Tanya does best and she is often to be seen sitting in with the ducks and geese chatting with them! Tanya's responsibilities are the hatching, rearing and marketing of the stock whilst planning for the next chapter.
Tanya’s husband, Roger, has been at Terras Farm all his life, with the farm being in his family for 5 generations. Roger is head fixer, duck house maker, grass cutter, seller of eating eggs. Well, being a farmer, Roger can put his hand to most things and keeps everything in order behind the scenes!
To complete our small team is our trusted friend and colleague Luke. Luke brings another dimension to the farm with his ‘outside the box’ thinking and, like Tanya and Roger, is adapting his varied work schedule to grow with the business. Luke lovingly rears the birds and helps to maintain the houses and paddocks. Anyone can see he is a natural with the ducks, geese and chickens.